Bootstrap Your Healing

You Don’t Have to Be Rich to Get Better

I remember the anxiety I felt standing in the supplement aisle of the health food store. 

Staring at the rows of bottles, I knew that in front of me were capsules, powders, and pills … all designed to make me feel better, to bring down my inflammation, to bring up my energy, and to make life more livable. 

I also knew that I could not afford any of them.

Often, those who need help the most don’t have the resources to get the support they so desperately need.

As a broke, newly single mother dealing with the fallout of ssri withdrawal, I needed help. 

Despite a few well-meaning people, the assistance I required did not exist in my immediate world.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that it was up to me to find a way back to health, both physically and mentally, and over time, that is exactly what happened. 

I managed to transform myself from despondent, chronically ill, and compliant to unbreakable, clear-headed, and autonomous. 

Not only did I heal my life, but I did it ALONE with amazing, FREE resources that I found (mostly) online. 

I guess you could say I “boot-strapped” my healing.

If I couldn’t afford a particular solution, I found one that I could afford. 

During the worst of times, consistent coaching, therapy, bodywork, and supplementation were not options for me. 

Yes, I would have LOVED having these amazing supports, but at the time they were nothing more than a luxurious dream.

And so I began investigating, digging and turning over any stone I could find - searching for ways to save myself. 

I was starring in a one-person “Survivor”. 

Sponsored by sheer tenacity and fuelled by rage at The System, this show went on for close to 20 seasons, culminating in a massive archive of the BEST FREE RESOURCES relating to:

  • Chronic anxiety

  • Panic attacks

  • Gut issues

  • Skin issues

  • Hair loss

  • Inflammation

  • Diet

  • Water 

  • Medication withdrawal

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Childhood ptsd

  • Somatic response & exercise

  • Fascia release & trauma

  • Intergeneration trauma

  • Narcissistic abuse

  • Parentification

  • Cycle breaking

  • Inner child work

  • Frequency healing

  • Energy healing 

  • Feldenkrais

  • Facial Exercise

  • Anti-Aging practices

etc… I’m sure there are more that I am missing.

These resources are NOT your average advice on diet and exercise.

These gems range from traditional practices to cutting-edge technology and are not considered common knowledge. 

Not only did these resources teach me how to heal my body and mind, but putting together this collection taught me how to take responsibility for my well-being and gave me the confidence and drive to live independently of a system that doesn’t serve my best interests.

Despite having a low income, I learned I could rely on myself and that there are many incredible, affordable and FREE ways to become healthy, happy, and autonomous.

We don’t have to become trapped, dependent, and broke while we heal our lives.

Healing is possible for everyone.

Autonomy is the key and we are the ones holding it.

If there is interest, I plan on sharing my collection with the people in my world. 

If you’d like to learn more about these amazing resources and how to identify the “must-haves” for your own collection, please reply to this email with the word (BOOTSTRAP) and I’ll keep you in the loop.

Thank you so much for reading and see you next time.
