Attention! We Interrupt This Program … Because it SUCKS.

Signs That You Are Being Influenced by Negative Programming.

Unfortunately, it happens to most of us.

Unless you were raised by the likes of Ghandi, chances are good that you are housing some subconscious, psychological programming that isn’t serving you very well.

I’m sure you’ve heard the computer analogy of how our conscious and subconscious minds operate. Our sub-conscious hardware floats beneath the surface, just off our conscious radar, running the show and controlling 90% of our thoughts and actions. 

For better or worse, from the age of 0-7 years, this hardware is installed by our care-givers and society in general and for many of us, it has been for the worse.

Agency and self-actualization aren’t exactly celebrated qualities in this brave new world of ours so meandering through our lives without any real awareness is currently par for the course on planet Earth.

So what happens when we operate on programming that has never been assessed or questioned? How does misaligned hardware show up in our lives? What does it mean for us?

For me, it meant growing up subconsciously believing that I didn’t deserve things like; a university education, a mortgage-free home, a happy relationship, or financial stability.

So, in turn, my subconscious mind made damn sure that I did not have those things, or if I did manage to obtain one or two, I didn’t hang on to them for very long.

There was a constant war between my innate, soul-purpose and the bullshit beliefs that were placed upon me. An extreme misalignment that landed me an (almost) life-destroying experience with pharmaceuticals, divorce and numerous other struggles. 

Essentially, negative programming means suffering. It means a chronic feeling of “not quite right”, and settling for “good enough”. It means landing yourself and the people you love in hot water. It means a suffocation of purpose and an unfulfilled life. 

You get the picture. 

So how do we know when we are operating on negative programming and what can we do about it?

We look for the signs.

Here are seven:

  1. Repetitive Patterns: If you notice a recurring pattern of negative outcomes or unproductive behaviors in your life, it could be a sign that underlying programming that needs examination.

  1. Inconsistent with Goals and Values: When your choices deviate significantly from your long-term goals or core values, it may suggest that your decision-making is influenced by subconscious programming that does not align with your conscious aspirations.

  1. Unexplained Emotional Reactions: Strong emotional reactions to specific situations, especially those that seem disproportionate to the circumstances, might be tied to past experiences and programmed responses. Reflecting on these emotional responses can provide insights into their origins.

  1. Limited Perspective: If you find yourself consistently approaching situations with a narrow or limiting perspective, it may be indicative of ingrained beliefs or biases that are shaping your viewpoint.

  1. Difficulty Breaking Habits: Habits, especially bad ones, can be a product of programming. Struggling to break these habits despite recognizing their negative impact may signal subconscious influences.

  1. Low Self-Esteem or Self-Worth: Negative self-talk and a persistent sense of inadequacy can be indicators of programmed beliefs about oneself. We were not born believing bad things about ourselves! Recognize where those thoughts came from!

  1. Resistance to Change: An aversion to change or a fear of stepping out of your comfort zone may be rooted in programmed beliefs that resist new experiences or challenges. Why do you believe that change is bad?

So, what do we do about negative programming? How do we stop making decisions that aren’t essentially and truly OURS?

The answer to these questions is nuanced and coming up with a plan to get out from under harmful programming will look different for every person.

Having said that, here are a few general tips.

  1. Identify

Start thinking about what you think about! If you notice something negative floating through your mind, point it out to yourself, take note. 

Eg. Wow, I just noticed myself thinking again, that I’m too old to start my own business. 

  1. Challenge

Once you’ve identified a belief or thought, ask yourself if it’s true. Ask yourself if it is helping you or those you love live a better life? Stand up to it. Nothing gets to live rent-free in our heads without our permission.

Eg. Is it true that I can’t exercise or I don’t know how to eat healthier? Why do I think these limiting thoughts??

  1. Reframe

Try replacing the belief or thought with a different one. Using the word “yet” can be really helpful here. 

Eg. Instead of thinking “I’m a loser who can’t find the right person” Try; “ I haven’t found the right partner, yet. All my dating experience thus far will only make it easier for me to identify my ideal match.”

  1. Heal

We often have strong emotions attached to our negative programming. These attachments can be unhealthy and keep us trapped in the toxic belief cycle.

Choosing an emotional healing practice (journaling, somatic work, talk therapy) can definitely help in this situation. 

Eg. If we have a fear of fear of failure, rooted in childhood programming, we may experience intense anxiety and perfectionism in our adult lives. Despite our success, we still have feelings of inadequacy, because we are trapped in negative programming. Breaking free requires recognizing the fear's origin.

  1. Be Kind to Yourself

When we break free from old programming, we are essentially shifting our belief paradigm, the way we see the world. This is not a small feat. Take time to be nice to yourself. This might look like exercise, watching the game or a movie, calling a friend etc. 

Eg. Instead of “I’m an idiot for not pursuing my goals just because my parents thought I wasn’t smart enough. Why did I let them in my head?” Try: “I was programmed to see myself a certain way and now I’m changing that. It’s tiring work, so for today, I’m just going to rest.”

There is no doubt about it. Unconscious, negative programming can be insidious and life-altering. Thankfully, we can do something about it, not only for ourselves but for our future generations. 

Thanks so much for reading, see you next time!



What if I could assist you with: 

  • uncovering your negative programming while also;

  • lifting the burden of your untrue thoughts and; 

  • freeing you up to be who you really want to be?


I’m currently offering my expertise on identifying and eradicating negative programming.

To learn more, send me an email at [email protected] with the word [AGENCY] in the subject line and let's chat!